by Emily Warren
It’s so frustrating to go to a salon, have your hair styled beautifully after a cut or color and NEVER be able to duplicate the same look at home, right? Seems like I get so wrapped up gossiping with the stylist or nodding off to sleep that I rarely remember to ask her, “Okay, so exactly how do I make my hair look like this on my own?”
Hairstylist Jet Rhys, owner of Jet Rhys Salon in San Diego must have been reading my mind. She is starting a program in January ’07 called BYOB (the last ‘B’ stands for blowdryer!) where you can bring your own blowdryer to her salon and learn how to give yourself a killer blow out! It’s free (which rocks!) but you can also make donations to C.H.I.N., a nonprofit organization that offers rersources and support for famlies of children born with congenital heart defects and acquired heart disease.